
Author: Tony

What Does Testosterone Do to Men?

What Does Testosterone Do to Men?

  What does testosterone do? Testosterone is the main male sex hormone responsible for the development of secondary sex characteristics such as hair growth, muscle mass, and sexuality. Testosterone also increases the production of red blood cells produced by the bone marrow, which allows an increased transfer of oxygen to the body reducing the need on the heart to create a blood supply. A recent study has demonstrated that testosterone replacement lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease by 24 percent and strokes by 36 percent. How does testosterone work? Testosterone synthesis is the result of testosterone being fed to the testes. The testes are small storage facilities for the creation of testosterone from the anabolic hormone, testosterone precursors. When eithe...
What Are the Health Benefits of Testosterone Supplements?

What Are the Health Benefits of Testosterone Supplements?

Testosterone is one of the most common hormones that men produce. It is responsible for male characteristics such as body hair growth, muscle mass, and sexual performance. It is also responsible for the formation of male sex hormones such as sperm and testosterone. As men grow older, testosterone levels tend to naturally drop. Low levels of testosterone are known as hypogonadism. In some cases, hypogonadism can be treated with testosterone supplements. However, low testosterone levels seldom cause severe symptoms. In some cases, men may experience mild erectile dysfunction, reduced sexual desire, and decreased libido. These symptoms can be treated with testosterone supplements. FDA considers testosterone supplements to be dietary supplements. Therefore, they are not consi...
Hormone Treatment May Be Effective in Treating Clinical Hypogonadism

Hormone Treatment May Be Effective in Treating Clinical Hypogonadism

  Androgenic alopecia, otherwise known as male pattern baldness, can be treated in a number of ways, including surgical, chemical, and hormonal therapy. Androgen, a natural hormone produced by the testes, is responsible for male pattern baldness. Androgens are converted into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) when the follicle becomes sensitive to it. DHTs are converted into testosterone (in females) or estrogen (in males) when the follicle grows too large and stops producing natural testosterone. Male pattern baldness is more common in men than women, but the risk factors for the condition are similar for both genders. Androgenic alopecia is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, elevated blood pressure, stroke, and acne. Androgenic ther...
Common Side Effects of Testosterone Supplements

Common Side Effects of Testosterone Supplements

The possible side effects of testosterone tablets include sexual dysfunction, hair loss, acne, male breast enlargement, male prostate enlargement, hormonal acne, and enlargement of the prostate. The list goes on. Most users of these supplements have no idea that they could be taking something dangerous to their health. Often they just assume that it is the cost of the supplement that is causing their problems. In the long run, though, paying the price for these pills without knowledge can cause a whole lot more harm than good. DHT is a type of hormone that many men produce when they are still in their puberty years. It binds to the hair follicles and the prostate gland. When testosterone levels drop, the DHT hormone is produced even more. This can cause a man's testicles to ...
What to Expect From a Nugenix Review

What to Expect From a Nugenix Review

  If you are looking to increase your testosterone levels then a Nugenix review is critical in helping you make the right choice. There are so many products on the market today that claim to be able to boost testosterone and improve sexual performance but do they really work? A simple look at this Nugenix review should give you a good idea of whether or not this is a product you would want to consider when increasing testosterone levels in your body. Nugenix Review: First, let's take a look at the ingredients that Nugenix utilizes in its products. They utilize two ingredients: Tribulus Terrestris and fenugreek extract. These two ingredients have been studied for their ability to increase testosterone levels naturally. Interestingly enough, they seem to work better tha...
Understanding the Link Between Testosterone and Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Understanding the Link Between Testosterone and Symptoms of Low Testosterone

  Low testosterone (man's low-testosterone condition) is a medical condition where the testicles (male reproductive glands) don't produce sufficient testosterone (a male hormone). Testosterone helps maintain and grow: Muscle mass, bone strength, muscle density, and libido. It also helps control the body's processes such as sperm production, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. It is also responsible for the correct production of the male sex hormone testosterone. As men get older, they begin to experience several symptoms associated with low testosterone levels. Usually, these include impotence, fatigue, decreased sex drive, reduced sperm count, and erectile dysfunction. There are also several symptoms related to low testosterone levels that commonly appear during...
Guidance On The Symptoms Of Low Testosterone That commonly Spotted In Men

Guidance On The Symptoms Of Low Testosterone That commonly Spotted In Men

Major Symptoms of Low Testosterone In Men : Symptoms of low testosterone in men are not as easy to spot. Often times they are just like the common cold that you get once in a while and then go away. Other times it can be more serious. The good news is that there are a variety of treatment options available to treat this condition. Some of these symptoms include impotence or inability to perform sexually. Loss of libido or low interest in sex is also fairly common. Mood swings are also quite common. In some cases, symptoms don't progress to their usual stage until they reach the advanced stages. Testosterone replacement therapy has been the popular method used to treat symptoms in men for years. However, many men are skeptical about using artificial drugs to attempt to co...
Is Testosterone A Steroid?

Is Testosterone A Steroid?

    Is testosterone, the primary male sex hormone responsible for muscle building in men andropause in women? That is one of the great questions raised by many men as they try to build muscle and get toned. The answer to this is complicated since there are many other hormones that have an influence on testosterone production. There have been many studies to determine if testosterone is a steroid. The main group looking into this is the Endocrine Society. These groups do regular research and publish research papers on this subject. There have been many results on the effect of steroids on testicular growth. Check out some: The side effects of steroids: One of the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy is testicular atrophy. Testosterone can lead to...
How To Boost Testosterone In Men With A Bottle

How To Boost Testosterone In Men With A Bottle

  How to boost testosterone in men is a question that is asked quite often. And it is very important to know the answer to this question if you want to maintain a healthy sexual function. It is not just the question of how many sex partners you have in your lifetime, but it is also about sexual health. If you don't have healthy sexual functions then you might suffer from various types of diseases. You might also live a lonely life if you cannot satisfy the sexual needs of your partner. Today, there are numerous things that can help you increase your levels of testosterone. One of these is the usage of different supplements. Apart from taking testosterone replacement pills to increase libido, these supplements also have different other applications. They contain he...
4 Foods That Lower Testosterone – Find Out the Health Benefits of These Foods

4 Foods That Lower Testosterone – Find Out the Health Benefits of These Foods

    There are a lot of different foods that lower testosterone, but there are a select few that have a remarkable impact. These include the amino acids lysine, arginine, and methionine, and the histamine releaser, histamine blockers, and beta-blockers. These are not the ordinary foods that you would eat, and you won't find them in any nutrition guide or diet book. They're used by bodybuilders and athletes to increase the testosterone levels in their bodies. If used properly, they can boost your energy levels as well as give you the endurance you need to keep going. For many years, protein has been known as the building block of muscle mass. It is an essential nutrient for growing lean muscle mass, and it also contributes to the maintenance of your muscle mass. Unfort...